Ways to help
IN the KC Area?
We have 4" by 6" cards to pass out anywhere. (see Calendar for some local events)
Please contact us to receive a stack of printed cards.
Volunteer your time. RCV will NOT be adopted in KC without your help. Please contact us at 816-753-2057 (Rachel MacNair) or info@betterballotkc.org.
Help us organize. We need people willing to coordinate volunteer efforts, fundraising, events, etc.
Inform your friends about RCV
Spread the word. Tell your friends, family, and colleagues about RCV. When people understand how RCV works, they tend to support it. Other effective means are to get organizations you are a part of to support RCV, or write letters to the editor to local papers and newsletters.
Ranked Choice Voting is as simple as 1st, 2nd, 3rd choice.
Better than current style of voting (First past the post/winner take all).
Ensures elected officials have support from more than 50% of the voters (a true majority).
Removes the "spoiler effect" of having to choose between the two most popular candidates. Show support for who you really want!
Better media coverage, debates, and polling data for all the candidates instead of just the top two.
Typically better campaigns on what the candidates actually support instead of just why to not vote for the other top candidate.
Sign up for more information
Email for info info@betterballotkc.org
Subscribe to our Google group! - Get all the latest news on what's happening with RCV in Kansas City.
Join our social media pages/groups. Like and share posts so that they get more views.
Meetings: We meet Wednesday nights at 7pm over Google Meet. Email us for the link. info@betterballotkc.org
If you are outside of the Kansas City area, you can still help us with our movement!